The Purposeful Job Hunter

An online job preparation course to prepare you for work.

Discover the secrets of finding your path to success. What have you been missing when searching for and applying for jobs? This is a 6 part online course to get you job fit and ready to tell people what you are looking for and what your value is. Learn what you need to know about YOU before even starting to apply for jobs. Using simple tools and checklists to guide you through the basics.
Cartoon image of computer with course onscreen


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No one gives you a chance to prove that you are capable to do the job!

It's more than just about a job search. If only you were given the chance to prove how well you can work. You know that you can do the job, but no one will give you an interview.

Finding a job is more than just creating a resume.

Do you feel left out of the jobs sector?

Everyone else has good jobs and good opportunities coming their way. Why not you?

Man using a wheelchair using a computer with other man distracted looking away on computer

We can help.  Using our experience in preparing people for work you can learn what is needed for you to get that job.  Haven't worked before?  Want a better job? Been out of the workforce for a while?  We'll teach you how to get a job.

Do you have barriers that are stopping you from finding a job?

We have had experience working in disability employment, helping a diverse range of people from all cultures and personal situations, to find a job.  We have supported and coached people who have various barriers, as well as with employers in improving their culture to be inclusive of people who have challenges in their everyday life.

About Aequis (equal) Talent

Aequis (aquis), from the Latin meaning Equal, translates to Equal opportunities for all. The heart and soul of our philosophy is to improve employment outcomes for people. and especially those with barriers, in job preparation. Take our online job preparation course to improve your job prospects - Your affordable job coach in your pocket. We are also working with employers to improve the work environment - The Purposeful Employer. Immersion opportunities for lived experience style training and coaching of teams.